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Installation Technology: Losses In A Pipe System Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Item No.: HL 210
Installation Technology: Losses In A Pipe System Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment
HL 210 Installation Technology: Losses In A Pipe System Didactic Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipment

Investigation of pressure losses at contractions, pipe angles, pipe bends, valves and fittings and pipe elements
- visualisation of pressure losses
- comparison of losses of different pipe elements
- closed water circuit with circulation pump
Learning objectives/experiments
- pressure curve in a closed pipe system with circulation pump
- influence of pipe diameter, flow velocity, change in cross-section and pipe fittings on the pressure losses
- determination of pump characteristics, system characteristics and the operating point
[1] investigation of the pressure losses at contractions, pipe angles, pipe bends, valves and fittings and pipe elements of different diameter
[2] pipe elements are commercially standard components in heating and sanitary engineering
[3] clear panel mounted on a sturdy, movable frame

[4] closed water circuit with pump and tank
[5] integrated bleed valve on manometer and in the pipe section
[6] flow measurement using rotameter
[7] measurement of the pressure distribution at 14 pressure measuring points, display with 14 tube manometers
Technical data
- 3 stages
- max. flow rate: 4,5m³/h
- max. head: 6m
Tank: approx. 5L
Measuring ranges
- flow rate: 100...1000L/h
- pressure: 1600mmWC
230V, 50Hz, 1 phase
LxWxH: 1900x700x2020mm
Weight: approx. 140kg