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Simulator For Studying Electric Systems In Oil Drilling Rigs Didactic Equipment Electrical Engineering Training Equipment

Item No.: ODR-1
ODR-1 Simulator For Studying Electric Systems In Oil Drilling Rigs Didactic Equipment Electrical Engineering Training Equipment
ODR-1 Simulator For Studying Electric Systems In Oil Drilling Rigs Didactic Equipment Electrical Engineering Training Equipment

This table-top simulator is a preparatory panel for the training of maintenance technicians of (on-shore & off-shore) oil rigs. Two targets are proposed: knowing the lay-out of a typical oil rig; knowing the electric (generation and consumption) apparatuses and their instructions of use.
This Simulator enables students to learn:
the lay-out of an oil rig
the components of a typical electrical installation of an oil rig: alternators, Diesel engines, SCR drives, DC driving motors, Motor Control Center, etc...
electrical installations of an oil rig
the operations and procedures for managing the electric power, including the parallel of alternators
the specifi c instruments for optimizing the performance of Diesel engines preventing them from wearing out, and for fuel saving
the overloads of active power and of reactive power and neasures for preventing them.

This Simulator is used together with a Personal Computer.
It consists of a vertical table-top panel reproducing the lay-out of a typical oil rig. A picture of an oil rig will help to understand the lay-out of the oil well.
The panel reproduces the single line diagram of National 1320 UEsystem that is a typical electrical installation of an oil rig.
It simulates 4 three-phase brushless alternators with their own main circuit breakers. Each alternator includes a display with selector for showing the active and reactive power
consumed; two LEDs show the overload conditions of Diesel engine (active power) and of alternator (reactive power); another LED indicates the starting phase and the consensus
for the parallel.
Instrument with display for showing the % value of consumed power versus the instantaneous installed or available power, informing the driller of the need of connecting another generatr or of excluding it for energy saving.
Two potentiometers allow to adjust the absorbed active and reactive power separately to simulate the load of the two three-phase transformers for the Motor Control Center and
for the auxiliary services.
DC motor - drive section simulates the large power consuming devices, such as mud pumps, winch, rotary table, eddy current brake. Two potentiometers and a display with
selector enable to adjust the active and reactive power absorbed by each large power consuming device (load variation), separately.
The distribution controlsection includes 4 selectors used to modify the association between drive and DC motor; some LEDs indicate their state
This simulator is supplied with a software for the graphic analysis of the subjects described above; this software synthesizes and displays the values of electrical parameters on a PC (not included), besides allowing to simulate and
show the electrical overloads of a complete oil rig.
Power supply: 230 Vca 50 Hz single-phase - 100 VA (Other voltage and frequency on demand)
Dimensions: 850 x 450 x 680 mm
Net weight: 25 kg
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